Saturday, September 19, 2009

New life!

After a long year and 1/2 i finally made it, I am now FD.
Why did it take so long? Well, there was a lot the Lord wanted me to learn and learn I did. It was battle after battle, tear after tear and all along being told "Hold on I have a plan there is a light at the end of the tunnel; a rainbow after the storm, hold on." So, I did. I held on and now I am with Sam in one of Mexico's most beautiful states Puerto vallarta. Thank you Jesus!
I am now looking forward to learning more, growing more. giving more and loving more.
I know the Lord has so much in store for me, I can't wait to find out what He has next around corner!

View From our pool deck

Thursday, August 20, 2009



Shot of tequila
The yummy cake i made myself.

A few pics of my Birthday. Thanks every one for keeping me drunk and making it fun!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

bird feeder


Arrive home and in the Front yard is a BOMB!!!
But no it couldn't be, could it? A gas tank maybe?
Why is this in our front yard? And who put it there??
Next morning I ask " Grandma whats that hanging in the front yard?"
And she says " oh, It's a bird feeder your father got me."

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Bum bums.


So, after a long and dreadful three months I was finally able to see him.
Ah yes, the Mr. in my life, Sam Finch.